Reese Lab Resources

General Resources

Currently these are only available from on UTSW campus or via VPN

Materials from STARS Structural Biology Workshop

I have previously taught a STARS teacher's workshop on an introduction to structural biology. This used freely available versions of the open source structure viewer PyMol. This started by introducing basic macromolecular structures, comparing the size and shapes of membranes, nucleic acids (i.e. RNA/DNA), and proteins. We also looked at the cellular cytoskeleton (Actin/Microtubules) and topic in neuropharmacology. Finally we introduced a basic overview of structure-based drug design (e.g. HIV protease inhibitors). The materials from the original 2018 workshop can be downloaded as a zip archive here. This includes the binary file for OSX and Windows versions of PyMol, as well as PyMol session files and associated worksheets.